i_rise_inside Aug 30, 2011 15:40
kurt/karofsky: you'll wait for me right?, what is my life?, game of thrones murders my soul, v loves gay boys, v is a rabid fangirl, friendship and bravery and - harmony, textures, dave: character development done right, gleeeeee!, icons, harry potter
i_rise_inside Aug 06, 2011 22:16
pam will eat fuck & kill you, textures, friendship and bravery and - harmony, supernatural, brokeback mutants, baby vamp is my favourite, true blood, dave: character development done right, harry potter, kurt/karofsky: you'll wait for me right?, snape/lily. always., eric makes me hot, you should show castiel some respect, sex:men, eric/sookie: it's not just the blood, andrew gives me way too many feeeelings, gleeeeee!, jensen/misha has corrupted me, icons